There are 20 Dallas-Fort Worth residents listed among the 400 richest Americans, according to the Forbes 400 list of The Richest People in America 2014. Leading the list of DFW residents again is Fort Worth resident Alice Walton at No. 9 on the list. She’s an heir to the Walmart fortune and has a net worth of $34.9 billion, according to Forbes. The Bass family is well represented on the list with Robert Bass at No. 190, Edward Bass at 272 and Lee Bass with an identical net worth also listed at No. 272. Richard Rainwater of Fort Worth is No. 225 with a $2.7 billion net worth and David Bonderman at No. 235 with a net worth of $2.6 billion.
Below is a list of Dallas-Fort Worth area residents on the list. No. 9 – Alice Walton, Fort Worth, $34.9 billion No. 38 – Andrew Beal, Dallas, $12.1 billion No. 81 – Ray Lee Hunt, Dallas, $6.1 billion No. 81 – Kelcy Warren, Dallas, $6.1 billion No. 83 – Robert Rowling, Dallas, $6 billion No. 92 – Trevor Rees-Jones, Dallas, $5.4 billion No. 117 – Jerry Jones, Dallas, $4.2 billion No. 129 – H. Ross Perot Sr., Dallas, $3.9 billion No. 183 – Ray Davis, Dallas, $3.1 billion No. 190 – Robert Bass, Fort Worth, $3 billion No. 219 – Timothy Headington, Dallas, $2.8 billion No. 219 – W. Herbert Hunt, Dallas, $2.8 billion No. 225 – Mark Cuban, Dallas, $2.7 billion No. 225 – Richard Rainwater, Fort Worth, $2.7 billion No. 235 – David Bonderman, Fort Worth, $2.6 billion No. 272 – Edward Bass, Fort Worth, $2.3 billion No. 272 – Lee Bass, Fort Worth, $2.3 billion No. 302 – Gerald Ford, Dallas, $2.1 billion No. 324 – Sid Bass, Fort Worth, $2 billion Â