Best Maid can put you in a pickle store

Best Maid pickles

Fort Worth’s Best Maid can put you in a pickle – a pickle store, that is.

Friday, Fort Worth’s Best Maid Pickles opens its Best Maid Pickle Emporium at 829 W. Vickery Blvd. 76104.

From the Facebook page:

“We are excited to see you tomorrow for the opening of the Emporium. We have some procedures so you can all get to see this incredible space safely:

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-Face coverings are required while in the store. Please make sure to cover your mouth and nose.

-Only 15 customers will be permitted in the store at a time to ensure safe social distancing.

-If there is a crowd, please line up from the front door down the sidewalk to the corner of W Vickery Blvd. and College Ave. and then follow the sidewalk up College Ave. Again, please maintain 6 feet in between your party and others.

-After check out please exit to the right of the cash register out the hallway door to the left.

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-Parking is free and available in front of the Emporium and along College Ave.

There is no charge for #admission!


There may be rainy #weather in the #morning, so please bring your #rain coat and umbrella!


The Best Maid Pickle Emporium will have every product Best Maid makes! #Pickles, #Mustard, #Mayo, #Dressing, #BBQ Sauce, and more!”

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Hours are Tuesday to Saturday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
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