It’ll be another happy holiday season for online retailers. Americans are expected to spend nearly $144 billion online in November and December, up 14% from last year, according to predictions by Adobe Analytics, which tracks online purchases for 80 of the top 100 e-commerce sites in the U.S. Of those sales, 20% will happen over the five days between Thanksgiving Day and Monday. The biggest day for online sales is expected to be “Cyber Monday,” the Monday after Thanksgiv
ing when online retailers typically offer their steepest deals. Adobe Analytics expects sales on Cyber Monday to come in at $9.4 billion this year, up 19% from last year. For the first time this year, Adobe Analytics expects online sales to surpass $1 billion every day in November and December. In terms of hot-sellers, Adobe Analytics expects a flying owl toy called Owleez and the handheld Nintendo Switch Lite to be popular this year, based on current online sales a