Toyota hosts second diversity forum

Toyota, Toyota Dealership, Graphics Project

More than 700 people representing 400 local businesses attended Toyota’s second annual supplier diversity event in North Texas on March 16 in Frisco.

The day-long event, “Power of Exchange 2016,” offered local Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) and Women Business Enterprises (WBEs) a forum to network and connect with Toyota’s Tier I suppliers, and provided access to Toyota’s sales, marketing and professional services.

The event began with a morning session of panel discussions from MBE suppliers who gave accounts of how they won business from Toyota. It also included discussion from Toyota executives on the importance of supplier diversity to the company. The afternoon session put these learnings into practice and gave attendees a chance to network through a reverse tradeshow that featured Toyota’s indirect Tier 1 suppliers showcasing their companies and discussing their respective contracting requirements.

Keynote speakers at this year’s event included Albert Shen, national deputy director of the U.S. Minority Business Development Agency, and Sen. Royce West.

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Betty Dillard

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