Andrea Davis is a health care strategist and solutions expert committed to helping organizations provide value in the communities they serve.
Her client relations activities include planning and participating in board, executive and leadership events that are locally tailored to interpret and capitalize on the implications of emerging macro- and microlevel trends.
“Andrea and I have been colleagues for the last five years. I learn from her every day as I witness her interactions with our clients (hospitals and life science organizations). She works with over 20 hospitals and life science organizations around the country, working to develop and implement strategies to better meet the needs of patients in a changing health care environment,” said nominator Rebecca J. Segel, also with Sg2, but in Brooklyn, New York.
“Andrea’s professional success is easy to quantify – she is one of the best. But it’s her compassion, emotional intelligence, sense of humor, sense of fairness and her innate sense to always do what’s right that makes her stand heads and shoulders above the rest,” Segel said.
Davis graduated from Texas Christian University’s MJ Neeley School of Business in Fort Worth with a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a concentration in marketing.
Aligned with Great Harvest Fort Worth’s mission to “give generously,” she’s formed connections to non-for-profit charities and events to donate next-day fresh bakery products to feed the populations they serve.
She participates in civic engagement and volunteer opportunities through outlets including TCU Alumni, Vizient Cares, SteerFW and her child’s local elementary school.
– Paul K. Harral
Where did your first paycheck come from?
My first jobs in high school and college included babysitting, retail/restaurant, administrative office, tutor and resident assistant. Except for a short stint at an ice cream parlor, these weren’t dream occupations but provided valuable life experiences that I’ve carried with me in my career.
What movie, TV series, play or video game influenced you growing up?
Oprah. I watched her every day when I came home from school. I even went to see her in 2009 when she came to the State Fair of Texas.
What other profession would you like to try?
An investor on Shark Tank. To be considered a titan of industry and fund the passions of budding entrepreneurs sounds like a fun job, although, I’m not very sharky. So, for now, I’ll let Cuban represent us Texan sharks.
Tell us about an influential person in your life, how they influenced you and why he or she was important.
My life has been influenced by…
Many, many wonderful women from my childhood including my mom, aunts and grandmothers. These women modeled for me all different molds for being a great woman as mothers, daughters, sisters, friends and career seekers.
My Sg2 colleagues and mentors. Their drive to create a path to high-value health care delivery for patients and communities nationwide is bold and purposeful. I’m energized by the team’s passion to solve the complex challenges ahead in health care with our partners, health care stakeholders, around the country.
What is your favorite song?
Sunday Best by Surfaces
Tell us about your photo shoot prop.
No. 1: Coffee from the greatest bakery down the street, Great Harvest Bread Co. Fort Worth. Watching my husband, Jon, turn a hobby into owning a small business has not been without its challenges over the last four years. … Seeing results from the hard-work Jon and the GH FTW team continue achieve make me proud.
No. 2: suitcase carry-on. My job requires client travel around the country. Managing the demands of work/life, kids and the bakery from the road is a unique challenge that I’ve mastered with help and support from my courageous husband. We’ve fully embraced FaceTime and have found life hacks that allow me to be on the road and connected to my family while I’m gone.
No. 3: Our master calendar – where we schedule all the things!