Dallas Zoo lion killed by another lion


A lioness at the Dallas Zoo died Sunday after being bitten by a male lion in her pride.

The 5-year-old lioness, Johari, was bitten in the neck by one of the male lions about 2:15 p.m. in the attack. The keepers immediately brought the other four lions off of the exhibit, which remained closed for the rest of the day. Five lions lived together in the pride at the zoo. Two males, Denari and Kamaia, are brothers. The three females, Johari, Lina and Josiri, were sisters. All were 5 years old.

“Johari was a remarkable animal, as are all of our lions,” said Lynn Kramer, vice president of animal operations and welfare at the Dallas Zoo. “This is a very rare and unfortunate occurrence. In my 35 years as a veterinarian in zoos, I’ve never seen this happen.”