Oktoberfest Fort Worth continues through Saturday as revelers hoist beer steins, enjoy live music and celebrate all things German.
Festival gates opened at 5 p.m. Thursday Sept. 24 at Panther Island Pavilion, 295 Purcey St. in Fort Worth.
Festivities continues through Saturday Sept. 26 with authentic German food, music, dancing, games, biergartens and dachshund races, as well as Spaten and other fall and Oktoberfest craft beers on the menu.
Kicking things off on Thursday evening was the official Community Tapping Committee, comprising elected officials and local community leaders. They started the festivities with a traditional tapping of the kegs ceremony in Spaten Hall in The Shack at Panther Island Pavilion.
More information is available at http://pantherislandpavilion.com/oktoberfest/