On the desk of Carla Jutson, Meals on Wheels

Carla Jutson, president and CEO, Meals on Wheels Tarrant County

Carla Jutson may spend a bulk of her time behind her eclectic desk, but she’s considered a bona fide people person. She’s either writing to people (via email), talking to people (via phone) or meeting with people (face to face). As president and CEO of Meals on Wheels, the nonprofit entity that brings meals and other services to the elderly and shut in, Jutson is either fundraising or overseeing an army of volunteers. It all happens at this u-shaped desk that’s actually three pieces stitched together, which makes sense for a nonprofit that wants to spend every dime on its clients. Let’s take a look at what’s on her desk:

1. Rhinos. There are two kinds of people in the world – rhinos that get up in the morning and sharpen their horns and go forth into the world, or cows that stay behind the safety of their fence. Jutson is a rhino, hence an office full of rhino gifts.

2. Four-Decade Salute Award. For her 40 years of running the legendary organization.

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3. Meals, meals, meals. This booklet contains the many meals prepared for clients and distributed by about 4,000 volunteers. It’s the cornerstone of what Meals on Wheels does.

4. Life quote paperweight. Jutson surrounds herself with inspiring quotes and sayings. “When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed,” fits Meals on Wheels perfectly.

5. Client photos. Constant reminder of “why we do what we do.”

6. New digs. A rendering of the new 59,000-square-foot facility that will allow Meals on Wheels to provide the additional 500,000 meals that will be needed each year in Tarrant County by 2020. The groundbreaking is slated for Aug. 14, the 40th anniversary of Meals on Wheels, which is also Jutson’s 40th anniversary, since she started it all in the basement of her home.

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7. Rolodex. This form of old school communication is “my lifeline to the community.”

8. Volunteer magnet. “We rely on an army of volunteers. We don’t do it all ourselves.”

9. Fan: “This is an old building. There are hot and cold spots. There’s also a heater on the floor when it gets too cold in here.”

Quote: “You have a choice. You can’t always help what happens to you, but you can help how you react to it.”  

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