The Force is with the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History

Star Wars: The Force Awakens L to R: Finn (John Boyega) and Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) Ph: Film Frame © 2014 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Right Reserved..

Samantha Calimbahin

When it comes to the best places to see the new Star Wars film, the force is strong with the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History — at least, according to

The magazine named the museum’s Omni Theater as one of seven “best screens” to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Other theaters on the list include the IMAX screens at TCL Chinese Theatres in Hollywood, the AMC Metreon 16 and IMAX in San Francisco and Alamo Drafthouse La Vista in Omaha, which hired a design firm to create a Star Wars-themed lobby for the theater.

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The Fort Worth museum’s Omni Theater, characterized by its 80-foot dome screen, is playing the film in IMAX 15/70mm film format. Director J.J. Abrams shot portions of the film with IMAX cameras, which expand the image up to a 1.43:1 aspect ratio and allow 40 percent more of the image to appear on the screen. Fort Worth’s Omni Theater is the only theater in Texas playing the film in this format, according to a news release.

The film will play at the Omni Theater until Jan. 18. Fans are allowed to wear costumes to the theater but are prohibited from wearing masks or carrying weapons.

Ticket information can be found on the museum’s website.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens made about $248 million in its opening weekend and has made about $288 million in the U.S. as of Dec. 21. Worldwide, the movie has made at least $652 million.

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