Fort Worth Museum of Science and History
1600 Gendy St.
Fort Worth 76107
The film runs 43 minutes. Tickets are a separate price from general admission, and prices can be found on the museum website.
On June 6, 1944, nearly 160,000 Allied troops landed along a heavily fortified, 50-mile stretch of French coastline in the historic operation known as D-Day. More than 9,000 Allied soldiers were killed or wounded on the beaches of Normandy, but by day’s end, the Allies had gained a foothold to begin liberating Europe. – Department of Defense
The documentary D-Day: Normandy 1944 doesn’t open at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History opens Sept. 4, but a group of about 15 veterans got the chance to see the movie early.
“It was sad in places because I remember the casualty rates were so great that day,” said Doug Ray, a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II. “But it was well done. It was an excellent movie.”
The veterans, along with family, friends and members of the media, were invited to an early screening of the film at the museum’s Omni Theater on Sept. 3. They also got to meet with special guest Jack Raskopf, a former Texas Christian University professor and retired Navy captain. At age 17, Raskopf worked as a radio operator on a ship during the Normandy invasion.
Raskopf was positioned on the side of beach known as “Utah,” which experienced the fewest number of casualties because it less heavily protected by Axis forces. He said most films depict the “Omaha” side, which experienced more violent warfare and higher casualties. . According to the Department of Defense, Utah beach had 589 casualties, while Omaha had 3,686 casualties.
D-Day: Normandy 1944 explained the military strategy and logistics behind the Allied invasion of Normandy, France. Narrated by former NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw, the film utilized animated maps and graphics to show how the Allied forces executed the attack. The film also used actor dramatizations, with the live-action portions of the film shot exclusively in Normandy.
Museum president Van Romans said the film not only teaches history but pays tribute to the veterans as well.
“We want to honor them in return,” he said.