FWISD superintendent Scribner will retire when contract expires

FWISD Superintendent Kent Scribner. (Photo by Samantha Calimbahin)

Dr. Kent Scribner plans to retire as superintendent of the Fort Worth Independent School District when his contract with the district expires in August 2024. Scribner join the district in 2015.

Scribner broke the news of his retirement with an announcement on Twitter and the school district posted a video statement on its website.

Scribner said he informed the school board of his decision last month. In a letter to the board that he included with his tweet, he said: “I share this news with you now to support a smooth and thoughtful superintendent transition. This timeline provides the Board ample opportunity to consult with the Fort Worth ISD community, plan and conduct a search for my successor, while we continue important initiatives currently underway.”

“My time in Fort Worth has been the high point of my career, both personally and professionally,” Scribner said in the letter. “One of the primary reasons I entertained the move to Texas was that it allowed me to be near my aging parents. Losing both my mother and father in the past year has reinforced that coming to Fort Worth was the right decision for our family.”

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“While we have accomplished a great deal, there is much more to be done,” he said. “Please know that I am committed to our mission of preparing ALL students for success in college, career, and community leadership for the remaining time we have together.”

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