TCU joins T3 education coalition

Texas Christian University has joined the Tarrant To & Through Partnership (T3), a coalition of educators, leaders, and everyday advocates working with K-12 schools, postsecondary institutions, and community partners to improve student outcomes.

“As a leader in the Tarrant County community and a Fort Worth resident, I care about our city’s future workforce and the crucial role postsecondary education plays,” Chancellor Victor J. Boschini, Jr. said. “It’s imperative that we all come together to ensure the education and success of our future colleagues, entrepreneurs and leaders. I am proud that TCU will join Tarrant To & Through in this effort.”

According to T3, more than 65% of jobs in today’s economy require some type of postsecondary certification, while only about 39% of Tarrant County adults have obtained an associate degree or higher. T3 is focused on closing three key gaps identified as hindering students from being prepared for, enrolling in and finishing postsecondary education: the information gap, the guidance gap and the financial aid gap.

“T3’s goals match TCU’s goals to offer top-tier education that is, simultaneously, accessible education,” said Mike Scott, associate provost for enrollment management. “If there are Fort Worth students who want to be Horned Frogs but face obstacles, we want to find a way to make them lifelong, successful Horned Frogs. T3 aligns with that objective.”

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The first academic year for students in all 21 Fort Worth ISD high schools began in fall 2020, and the first cohort of T3 Scholars will enter college in fall 2021.

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