The Parenting Center receives $1.38 million grant to support families

The Administration for Children and Families awarded The Parenting Center in Fort Worth a $1.38 million, five-year grant to support a program focused on improving and enriching marriages and relationships in Tarrant County.

Through the Empowering Families Project, The Parenting Center will offer marriage/relationship and parenting education services, career placement, and information and referral support for domestic violence and child abuse to low-income families, refugees, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) recipients and those at risk of receiving TANF.

“The ultimate goal of The Parenting Center is to eliminate child abuse and neglect. Healthy relationships are a key part in making that goal a reality,” said Executive Director Paul Gravley. “We are ready to work with partner agencies to offer our clients comprehensive services that we know will not only transform their relationships and gain a foothold on their finances, but also help them to be great examples for their children.”

The project also includes a research study to be led by the University of North Texas in Denton. Other community agencies involved in this collaborative project are: Catholic Charities Diocese of Fort Worth, SafeHaven of Tarrant County, One Safe Place, Family Pathfinders, Clayton Yes! and Communities in Schools.

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Celebrating its 40th anniversary, The Parenting Center serves nearly 18,000 individuals annually by providing family life education, counseling, case management and co-parenting programs.

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