Two oil and gas associations now flowing as one

Texas Alliance of Energy Producers

Citing the ability to better serve their members, the governing bodies of the National Energy Services Association and Wichita Falls-based Texas Alliance of Energy Producers have approved the unification of the organizations’ members.

NESA’s board approved joining forces in October, with the Alliance board approving it in November at its board meeting in Fort Worth.  The unification became official recently when NESA’s members were merged into the Alliance’s membership files.

“The members of both organizations are very similar,” said George Rogers, chairman of the Alliance, commenting in a news release.

“Both organizations believe that this move will be most beneficial for the members of NESA and the Alliance,” Rogers said.

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Rogers noted that the unification of NESA the membership within the Texas Alliance means that the 746 members of NESA will immediately become members of the Alliance. 

NESA’s members will receive full benefits of Alliance members, including receiving all publications, meeting notices, discounts on Alliance endorsed affinity and educational programs, as well as serving on the board of directors and committees.

Combining the two organizations will push the Alliance’s membership to about 4,000.

Houston-based NESA has served the needs workers in the service-and-supply sector of the oil and gas industry for more than 50 years.

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The Alliance was formed in 2000 with the merger of the North Texas Oil and Gas Association and the West Central Texas Oil and Gas Association, which were organized in the 1930s. It plans to establish an energy service section to ensure that the needs of the membership are met.

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