Near Southside Creative Incubator Happy Hour with Artspace

Near Southside Inc. is offering  a presentation and community discussion led by Near Southside Inc. staff and Minneapolis-based nonprofit developers Artspace to discuss the Near Southside Creative Incubator, a project that could help shape a new future for Fort Worth’s creative community, the organization said in an announcement.

The virtual event will be Tuesday, Nov. 10 at 5 p.m.
Near Southside is working with Artspace to study the feasibility of a Near Southside Creative Incubator project that would provide affordable housing and workspaces for Fort Worth artists, musicians and other creative contributors, as well as space for anchor arts organizations and early stage creative businesses.
We would model best practices in development approach and program, as tested by Artspace through dozens of projects they’ve developed or assisted across the country. Three potential Near Southside properties are currently being explored for the project.

The Nov. 10 discussion is part of a month-long series of community workshops with Artspace that has engaged a diverse set of leaders from the creative, philanthropic, financial, civic, and development sectors.

Artspace’s presentation will assess our community’s assets and needs, solicit ideas from participants, and host group discussion about potential paths for collaboration and involvement toward a goal of bringing the project to reality. If you would like to learn more about Artspace prior to the meeting, please visit their website
The event is free via Zoom, but registration is required.
Space is limited. Register at:

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