NEW YORK (AP) — Heinz is launching ketchup ads inspired by the TV show “Mad Men.”
The idea of the campaign, which shows foods like French fries and hamburgers up close without any condiments, is to underscore that they need ketchup to be complete. Kraft Heinz is noting tongue-in-cheek that the “Pass the Heinz” campaign was created by the main character of “Mad Men,” ad executive Don Draper. It is also crediting Draper’s fictional ad agency, Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce, as well as its real-life agency.
The Kraft Heinz Co. says the campaign will run as print ads in the New York Post and Variety, and on outdoor billboards in New York City.
“Mad Men,” a drama set in the 1960s New York advertising world, ended its seven-season run in 2015.