Ex-Perry campaign manager joining tax firm with Perry ties

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Jeff Miller, who was the chief architect of former Gov. Rick Perry’s short-lived 2016 presidential campaign, is joining Ryan LLC, a Dallas-based tax firm known for making big donations to top Texas Republicans.

The company said in a statement first released to The Associated Press that Miller will run its advocacy and legislative affairs teams.

Miller managed Perry’s latest White House run. It didn’t gain as much traction as Perry’s presidential 2012 bid, which was derailed by his “oops moment.”

Ryan helps corporations find state and local tax breaks. It chief executive, Brint Ryan, chaired three outside political groups that backed Perry 2016.

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The company’s employees and political arm gave $200,000-plus to past Perry campaigns, and were major donors to the 2014 campaign of Glenn Hegar, now the state’s comptroller.

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