Kelly announces he will not run for Fort Worth Mayor

Dee J. Kelly photo courtesy

Dee J. Kelly Jr. is not running for mayor of Fort Worth.

“I will not be a candidate for Mayor this May,” Kelly said in a letter sent to friends.

Kelly, who is a partner at Kelly Hart & Hallman and served as the firm’s managing partner from 2005-2016, had been mentioned as a top potential candidate for Fort Worth’s mayoral position as it became apparent Mayor Betsy Price would not run again.

“As I’ve studied the issues that face our City’s future, the personal question I’ve struggled with is whether I could do more good in making change through the public or the private sector,” he said in the letter. “Leadership in our City has always come from both groups. I’ve been inspired and encouraged in this time by what so many of you are doing, without recognition or fanfare, to address issues like homelessness, inequalities in healthcare, and helping local businesses overcome the impact of the pandemic. That work goes on and requires leadership from all parts of our community.

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“I’ve decided to take on these and other challenges in a different way than running for public office; therefore, I will not be a candidate for Mayor this May. My dedication to Fort Worth, and serving its citizens, remains steadfast. The voice you’ve given me will not be wasted.”

Kelly’s announcement comes a day after Price announced she would not seek another term.

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