Published on April 14, 2021
North Texans are encouraged to comment on multiple transportation projects and programs during the next public input opportunity, which continues through May 11.
North Central Texas Council of Governments staff will present details on the fourth round of the COVID-19 00X Transportation Infrastructure Program, which awards to projects across the region to expedite transportation actions that help stimulate the local economy.
Staff will also present information related to a proposed single-occupancy trip reduction resolution that establishes a regional trip reduction target to reduce drive-alone commute trips through Travel Demand Management strategies such as teleworking, ridesharing, active transportation and transit.
Additionally, information related to several regional air quality initiatives will be provided. The 2021 ozone season began March 1 and runs through Nov. 30. Currently, Dallas-Fort Worth does not meet federal air quality standards for the pollutant ozone. Staff will present an introduction to the pollutant, an overview of the region’s progress and information on how the public can contribute to the regional air quality solution by keeping their car in good condition.
Finally, modifications to the 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program Development Project Listing will be available for online review and comment. The Map Your Experience tool, Regional Smoking Vehicle Program and vehicle incentive opportunities will also be highlighted.
Learn more or receive a recording of the presentations. To request hard copies of the information, contact Carli Baylor by email or at 817-608-2365.
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