Seniors’ needs continue to grow

Seniors’ needs continue to grow

Information box:

Event: Empowering Seniors Health & Lifestyle Expo 2015

Location: Campus West, 205 N. Industrial/State Highway 157 in Bedford, one block north of Airport Freeway

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Date: Friday, Oct. 2

Times: 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

Parking: At Campus West; shuttles for those parking across the street at First Baptist Church Euless

Admission: Free

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To register:

For information: 817-581-3600

Today’s seniors are facing situations they never imagined. After looking forward to their “golden years” as depicted in books and movies, seniors are discovering hidden challenges for their future.

The 2008 financial crisis left millions of seniors with far smaller nest eggs than they had planned. Hundreds of thousands across our nation have delayed retirement or returned to work to rebuild their financial security.

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For many, their adult children are returning home to live with mom and dad.

Such is the life for many in the audience we are serving with the 7th Annual Empowering Seniors Health & Lifestyle Expo on Oct. 2 in Bedford. Our purpose is to improve the lives of seniors and baby boomers in Northeast Tarrant County through the valuable resources we are delivering.

We achieve this goal by providing educational and health experiences in a fun atmosphere, all at no cost to them.

We will be joined by one of the most popular and fun-loving Dallas Cowboys ever: Randy White, Super Bowl MVP and NFL Hall of Famer. White will join us for two hours, 9:30-11:30 a.m., to pose for photos with our attendees. He will also autograph Dallas Cowboys memorabilia that attendees bring.

Over 2,000 seniors, baby boomers and caregivers are expected to attend this free event at Campus West in Bedford, where they will benefit from a variety of offerings.

To begin with, doctors and nurses from six area hospitals will provide health screenings. These healthcare specialists are from Baylor Regional Medical Center at Grapevine, JPS Health System, North Hills Hospital, Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital HEB, USMD Hospital and the University of North Texas Health Science Center.

Eight senior- and caregiver-focused seminars will offer timely information on Medicare updates, financial planning, caregiving for people with Alzheimer’s/dementia, and avoiding ID theft and fraud.

Also, the curator of the Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas will deliver a presentation about the Kennedy assassination.

We have created a new feature with “Ask the Doctor” seminars. These panels allow attendees to ask questions directed at five medical professionals representing different specialties, and we will have three sessions.

Over 150 exhibitors will offer services and products that benefit the senior community. Among these will be more than 20 nonprofit and governmental agencies that provide free or reduced-cost services to seniors.

Our ongoing entertainment will feature 10 acts that include Sinatra tribute artist Ken Nelson, the Steppin’ Grannies, Cowtown comedian Richard Don Simms and door prizes throughout the expo.

We will have 11 restaurant food booths serving their most popular items, plus bottled water, tea and coffee available throughout the two major exhibit halls.

With so many attendees, we have arranged for parking at the venue plus additional parking and shuttle service across the street at First Baptist Church Euless. We appreciate First Baptist’s partnership in this wonderful event and the 6 Stones ministry for hosting us once again at its Campus West venue.

Through Empowering Seniors, we provide critical screenings and resources that are vital to our senior community. It is our honor to make a difference in their lives.

Fickes is Tarrant County Commissioner for Precinct 3. At the recent Senior Citizens Services awards luncheon, Fickes received the Carlton Lancaster Legacy Award in recognition for enhancing the lives of older adults in Tarrant County due to his creation and ongoing delivery of the Empowering Seniors Expo. The previous year’s honoree was the late U.S. Rep Jim Wright. The Empowering Seniors Expo recently received national recognition for achievement from the 2015 National Association of Counties Conference.

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