Once a historic golf course, the future of Sycamore Park will be discussed during a public meeting on Jan. 7 at 6 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Sycamore Community Center, 2525 E. Rosedale St.
Sycamore Park is one of the oldest parks in Fort Worth and is approximately 94 acres. The former Sycamore Creek Golf Course is approximately 66 acres, 30 acres owned by the City of Fort Worth and 36 acres leased from the Tarrant Regional Water District.
The golf course closed on Sept. 30 amidst plans to repurpose it as a community park.
“We are in the process of developing a master plan to combine the former golf course and existing Sycamore Park into a bigger Sycamore Park to better serve surrounding neighborhoods and the City of Fort Worth,” said Jing Yang, landscape architect with the city’s parks and recreation department.
The park master plan will study the layout of roads and parking, the trail system, park amenities and landscaping at both locations.
A previous public meeting was held in late October, also to collect public input, Yang said. Among the most popular requests from the public were hike and bike trails, open space, and gathering space/picnic areas.
“Based on the input we collected from the first meeting and survey results we received later, we have summarized the amenities that the public liked most.,” Yang said. “We are in the process of developing a draft version of the park master plan based on the results and will present it to the public during the second public meeting (Jan. 7).
“We encourage the public to come to the second meeting and comment. We will finalize the master plan later based on the comments we receive.”
The meeting is open to anyone in the City of Fort Worth.