Robert Francis
Coors Distributing Co. of Fort Worth celebrated a big day on Aug. 8 – the company’s 3,000th day without a single lost-time injury. With 55 large transport trucks, 31 vans, 86 cars, 172 drivers, 20 forklift operators and a team of 212 employees moving and processing orders, the company’s achievement is significant, said Larry Anfin, CEO.
“We feel that this is a phenomenal record for any type of business, and particularly a warehouse distribution company,” said Anfin. “Our drivers combine to log over 4.5 million miles per year as they drive throughout Tarrant and Johnson counties. That’s over 36 million miles in eight years. Plus, they are constantly dealing with freeways under construction and driving alongside frustrated drivers encountering detours as they deliver cases of product into over 3,000 retailers that carry Coors products.” Controller Howard Shotwell says Coors Distributing has been a non-subscriber to the workers compensation system since January 2003.
Being a non-subscriber means the company is responsible for compensating employees for workplace injuries. Being a non-subscriber has made Coors Distributing put an even greater focus on safety, injury prevention and provision of quality benefits for workplace injuries. “Being a non-subscriber means the company takes a great deal of responsibility for the safety of its employees,” he said. “You’re not going to be successful going this route unless you keep it uppermost in people’s minds.” An annual safety breakfast and continual training are keys to the program, Shotwell said. Employees also receive bonuses each year as an incentive to maintain workplace safety.