Fort Worth was chosen along with ten other U.S. cities to hold a national health forum.
Hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation (USCCF), Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce, the University of North Texas Health Science Center and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), the Better Health Through Economic Opportunity Program will take place Thursday from 8 a.m.-1p.m. in the auditorium of UNTHSC’s Medical Education and Training Building, 1000 Montgomery Street.
The event will bring together about 130 business leaders, industry experts and government officials to discuss ways to foster healthier communities. Elizabeth Sobel Blum, senior advisor of community development at Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, will be the keynote speaker.
The forum is part of an ongoing national campaign by USCCF and the RWJF. Fort Worth is the fourth city to host a forum. Other cities hosting forums include Denver, Co.; Orlando, Fla.; and Los Angeles, Ca.
According to a news release, Fort Worth was chosen because of its health initiatives such Blue Zones and FitWorth.
Out of 237 counties in the U.S., Tarrant County ranked No. 33 in overall health outcomes, according to RWJF’s County Health Rankings website. Dallas County came in at No. 57. The highest-ranked county was Collin County at No. 2.