Moncrief partnering with Carter BloodCare on blood drive

Blood supplies low

The Moncrief Cancer Institute has partnered with Carter BloodCare to help replenish the local blood supply by hosting a blood drive on Sunday, March 29 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Rosedale Donor Center, 1263 W. Rosedale St.

Carter BloodCare donors help provide blood for 90% of the hospitals in North, Central, and East Texas, and the supply has decreased due to drives/appointments being canceled. Blood is needed for cancer patients, transplant recipients, heart surgery, and trauma.

Giving blood is safe, and Carter BloodCare is taking all precautions to ensure the safety of the donors. The team wears personal protective equipment throughout the entire blood drive and exceeds all FDA guidelines. They also use hospital-grade sanitizers.

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To honor social distancing, donors must make an appointment at

On the day of the blood drive, donors will receive a link to a short, online questionnaire to complete.

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