Wounded bomb-sniffing Army dog named Rocky back in Texas

FORT HOOD, Texas (AP) — A bomb-sniffing military dog named Rocky wounded in an explosion in Afghanistan has returned to Texas for evaluation on whether he’s fit for duty.

The Killeen Daily Herald (http://bit.ly/1pUO18D) reports Rocky arrived Sunday for examination by veterinarians at Fort Hood.

The 5-year-old Belgian Malinois (MAL’-in-wah) and his handler, Spc. Andrew Brown, were injured during a December blast. They’re with the 89th Military Police Brigade.

Brown has been recovering at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Washington, D.C.

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Rocky was taken to Ramstein Air Base in Germany and had surgery for leg and other wounds.

Rocky spent a few days with Brown before returning to Fort Hood with a new handler.

Brown would have first chance to adopt Rocky if experts decide the dog was too injured to return to duty.


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Information from: Killeen Daily Herald, http://www.kdhnews.com

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