TAFB sets AT&T Stadium event

red fruits in brown wooden crate
Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash

Tarrant Area Food Bank’s largest Mega Mobile Market  Nov. 20

Tarrant Area Food Bank (TAFB), in partnership with the Goodyear Cotton Bowl Classic, is holding a Mega Mobile Market – read “mass food distribution event – at AT&T Stadium on Friday, Nov. 20.

Thanksgiving related food will be distributed, including turkey, chicken and related groceries. This market is estimated to serve approximately 5,000 families, which would make the market TAFB’s largest food distribution of any kind to date.
The event is a collaboration of Tarrant Area Food Bank with the Cotton Bowl Classic, Dallas Cowboys, AT&T Stadium, Arlington Fire and Police Departments, AAA, The Gary Patterson Foundation, MW Logistics, The Baptist Ministers Union and American Airlines.
This event will replace the food bank’s regularly scheduled Friday Mega Mobile Market at Herman Clark Stadium.
The Mega Mobile Market is designed to serve anyone who needs food assistance. This includes families who are still facing the effects of COVID-19, as well as those who are looking to provide a Thanksgiving meal for their family. No identification or documentation is required. All are welcome to receive food at this market.

The Mega Mobile Market is scheduled for Friday, Nov. 20, distributing food from 8 a.m. to noon while supplies last. The market will be in AT&T Stadium Parking Lot 4, directly east of the stadium near the corner of Cowboys Way and AT&T Way.
 Please see the attached map for specific directions related to the location of the lot and where to enter upon arrival.

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As the COVID-19 pandemic continues into the holiday season, many families are unsure of where their next meal will come from, much less how they’ll be able to provide a Thanksgiving meal for their loved ones.

Tarrant Area Food Bank realizes this need and has worked diligently with the partners listed above to prepare for this market, a news release said.

The food bank strives to provide access to nutritious food to as many people as possible across 13 counties across the Tarrant area.

The goal is to spread the word about these events as far as possible to ensure that no family goes hungry.

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