YMCA of Metropolitan Fort Worth Named

The YMCA of Metropolitan Fort Worth is trying to get out the vote, but it has nothing to do with the November election. The YMCA is the only Tarrant County nonprofit to be named a finalist in this year’s Chick-fil-A® True Inspiration Awards, which means the organization could win significant funding to support the building of an outdoor classroom at the 360-acre YMCA Camp Carter that will allow the Y to further support its mission. Judging is determined by an early quantitative and qualitative scoring process, combined with the number of votes an organization receives by September 30.

The YMCA is promoting the contest through school partners, volunteers, member outreach and branch locations, and is hoping Chick-fil-A fans will vote for the organization in the coming weeks. The True Inspiration Awards® program was created in 2015 to honor the legacy of Chick-fil-A founder S. Truett Cathy by celebrating and supporting nonprofit organizations that make an impact in their local communities.

When: Contest ends Sept. 30, 2024

How: Voting takes place in the Chick-fil-A app and each person is allowed one vote. Anyone interested can find more information at this link or scan the QR code below.

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