Arlington Heights Masonic Lodge celebrates 100th Anniversary

Arlington Heights Masonic Lodge photo by Robert Francis

Arlington Heights Lodge #1184 celebrated its 100th anniversary Tuesday, Sept 28 on the front lawn of the historic lodge with a special presentation by Mayor Mattie Parker.

This event began at 5:30 pm with tours of the historic building, followed by a catered dinner and speeches from notable dignitaries.

Currently, there are 27 Masonic Lodges in Tarrant County with approximately 5,000 members. Arlington Heights Lodge has 150 members and is one of the few lodges in the state that still meet in their original building.

The building is located at 4600 Cap Bowie Blvd. on a triangle of land just west of the intersection of Camp Bowie Boulevard and Hulen Street, where it is also intersected by a residential street, Dexter Street.

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According to the book, Fort Worth & Tarrant County: An Historical Guide by Carol Roark, the lodge was chartered on Dec. 9, 1921. The classical temple-form building was designed by a lodge member, J.C. Davies. It was dedicated on Jan. 3, 1923. 

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