Fort Worth AIA presents design awards

Weatherford College

AIA Fort Worth

Honor Awards

Amphibian Stage Productions -Greg Ibañez, Ibañez Architecture

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Ceverine School – Tommy Stewart, Architecture West and Architecture for Humanity

Huynh Residence – Norman Ward, Norman D. Ward Architect

Merit Awards

Weatherford College Wise County – VLK Architects

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Hollenstein Career and Technology Center – VLK Architects

Near South Studios – VLK Architects

3850 Washburn Ave. – Greg Ibañez, Ibañez Architecture

Studio Awards

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Chroma – Bart Shaw, Bart Shaw Architect

Fallen Log – Marta Rozanich, Konstrukcio Studio

Robert Francis

The American Institute of Architects Fort Worth presented its 2015 design award winners on Oct. 20 to a group of nominees that ranged from private homes to a theater to a playground.

The annual Excellence in Architecture Design Awards was held at The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth.

Of the 31 projects submitted by local architects, jurors Randy Brown, of RBA in Omaha, Neb., along with Emily Little, from Clayton & Little in Austin and Bill Aylor, of Lake/Flato in San Antonio, singled out nine projects to receive awards. Among projects of varied size, function, and budget, three honor awards, four merit awards and two studio awards were presented.

“It’s not surprising that there is so much good work in Fort Worth,” said Aylor. “The fact that we found as many awards as we did is a testament of how much good work that is coming out of the community. You should be proud of it.” Architects

Taking home the top prize, the honors award were:

• Greg Ibañez of Ibañez Architecture for Amphibian Stage Productions, a theatre company on Fort Worth’s emerging South Main Street area. The company acquired half of a former nightclub and Ibañez provided pro bono services for the project. Using material from Home Depot, such as cement board siding, drywall, donated carpet and ceiling tiles, and generic light fixtures, the project was completed for $50 per square foot. General contractor was Fort Construction, MEP engineer was Summit Consultants, structural engineer was Callahan Engineering, lighting design was provided by 2c lighting and the theatre consultant was Shuler Shook.

• Norman D. Ward for a private residence, with Norman Ward and Ernest Curry architects. The contractor was Studio Mud.

• Tommy Stewart with Architecture West and Architecture for Humanity for Ceverine School in outside of Maissade, Haiti. Other team members included Eric Cesal, Regional Program Manager and Darren Gill, RIBA Architect of Record, both of Port au Prince, Haiti. The client was Save the Children and Stiller Strong. Consultants were ECOFA Construction.

Merit awards went to:

• Hollenstein Career and Technology Center in the Eagle Mountain – Saginaw Independent School District. Architects were from VLK Architects Inc., including Chad Davis, Niki Schoessow, Stephen Hafer, James Hinton, Justin Hiles, Joe Bloodworth, Tracy Loftin and Andy Remitis. Civil engineer for landscape and irrigation was Teague, Nall, & Perkins Inc. Structural engineer was L.A. Fuess Partners Inc. MEP engineer was Image Engineering Group, Ltd. WJHW Inc. handled acoustical and theatrical work. Food service was provided by Bosma Design Solutions and the construction management was by Charter Builders Ltd.

• Near South Studios, another project with VLK Architects. Architects were Sloan Harris, Ken Loose, Niki Schoessow, Chad M. Davis and Tracy Loftin.

The client is Glass Lake Production Group. MEP engineering was provided by Reed, Wells, Benson & Company. Construction manager was Struhs Commerical Construction.

• Weatherford College’s Wise Country building also saw another award for VLK Architects. Architects involved were: Richard Jaynes, Chad Davis, Brad Naeher, Brian Harlan, Will Faber, Joey Mejia, James Hinton, Chris Ortiz, Susana Regalado, Charlie Reed, Morriss Johnson and Barry Lemons.

Civil engineer for landscape and irrigation was Kimley Horn Associates and structural engineer was MY-D Structural Engineers. MEP engineers was Image Engineering Group Ltd. Technology for the building was provided by Applied Tech LLC, while the construction manager was Steele & Freeman Inc.

• 3850 Washburn, a private residence, with the award going to Ibañez Architecture. General contractor was Bogle Constructs and MEP engineer was provided by Summit Consultants. Structural engineering was provided by Millett Engineering Group and lighting design by Essential Light Design Studio. Landscape design was by Studio Outside.

Studio awards went to:

• Fallen Log from Marta Rozanich of konstrukcio studio.

• CHROMA from architect Bart Shaw.

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