A. Lee Graham Reporter Two major rezoning proposals await Fort Worth City Council consideration this week as gas line compressors and massive West Side development plans return for discussion – and possible action. Pre-council begins at 3 p.m. Tuesday Oct. 15, with the regular meeting starting at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 1000 Throckmorton St. Having amended the city’s gas line compressor regulations at the Sept. 10 regular council meeting, the council on Tuesday is expected to consider approving compressors by right in industrial zoning districts and and in planned development districts. The compressors, which pressurize gas to be transported through a pipeline, have drawn concerns from some residents regarding potential noise, safety and pollution issues. Also up for rezoning are 63 acres in west Fort Worth that Trademark Property Co. plans to transform into a 1.15 million square foot mixed-use development. Known as Waterside, the development would include retail, office, hotel and residential space on land being purchased from Lockheed Martin Recreation Association. With council approval, the property would be rezoned from single family, office midrise, medium density multifamily, neighborhood commercial and intensive commercial uses to intensive commercial and planned development for all uses in high intensity mixed use. lgraham@bizpress.net