Jetta unveils 3D model of Fort Worth’s newest skyscraper

Greg Bird and 3D model of Frost Tower

Members of the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce and other guests got a three-dimensional view of the city’s newest skyscraper Friday.

A 3D model of Frost Tower was on display at the Chamber’s Membership luncheon, where Jetta Operating Co. CEO Greg Bird spoke about what tenants will see inside the building come 2017.

“When you work out and you look out at the garden instead of staring at a concrete wall, those are the things that I think will set this facility apart,” Bird said.

The 25-story building will have 278,000 square feet of rentable office space. Frost Bank, the building’s namesake, will occupy three floors spanning about 75,000 square feet. Jetta will occupy three floors as well, moving 140 employees from its current office at the Fort Worth Club into Frost Tower. The rest of the building is open to other tenants, who will also have access to a tenants-only fitness center.

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The location of Frost Tower, 640 Taylor Street, was formerly a parking lot. Bird said he had received some complaints that the building would take away parking spaces.

Bird said he hopes that when construction is finished, the newly constructed parking garage will make up for the parking issue. The garage will have four levels of parking underground and ten levels of parking above ground, for a total of 900 spaces.

Several “pay by the hour” parking spaces will be designated for visitors, he said.

The building’s 12th floor will feature a “Sky Lobby,” with a café and outdoor terrace open to the public.

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“If you get too high, you can feel removed from the city,” Bird said. “If you get too low, maybe there’s too much dust in your face. I think the 12th floor is a nice compromise. You feel like you’re part of the city, you’re going to hear the sounds, you’ll see the lights and hear the cars and the noise, but you’re removed a bit in a comfortable environment where you can escape a bit.”

The groundbreaking for the $115 million project was held in October. Anthracite Realty Partners, an affiliate of Jetta, will build and own the building. Bennett Benner Partners designed the building, while Stream Realty is handling leasing.

“It provides that home away from home where you can really be your best,” Bird said.

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