Alcon associates participate in annual day of volunteering

Alcon in Action 

Alcon employees wearing bright orange safety vests speckled across a bland-looking shopping plaza in east Fort Worth on May 23, Thursday morning, a work day. They had brushes and rollers in their hands and access to a palette of colors.

The team, consisting of 57 Alcon associates, completed painting a three-wall mural at 3600 E. Vickery Street, as part of the Fort Worth’s graffiti abatement project.

The goal was to beautify the neighborhood and contribute to the Alcon in Action event, the annual, company-wide day of community volunteering.

From Australia, China, France to Argentina and Mexico, the eye care company observed the community service day in more than 35 countries, where Alcon has business locations. Worldwide, thousands of employees volunteered and accumulated community service hours.

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“Making a difference where Alcon associates live and work is fundamental to us,” said Melissa Thompson, head of Corporate Social Responsibility at Alcon. “We feel an immense sense of pride in working for a company that values and supports volunteerism.”

All associates were invited to participate in various community service activities.

Volunteers served meals to the homeless, played games with the elderly and read books to children at various Fort Worth locations. Through a prison entrepreneurship program, a team of volunteers also mentored inmates on Thursday.

“While we are active in communities year-round, Alcon in Action provides associates with a unique opportunity to come together locally and connect with our neighbors,” said Thompson, who attended other service locations alongside the mural painting project. “We are excited to continue making a positive and tangible impact through our global day of volunteering.”

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The initiative first started seven years ago. But, this year marks the first time Alcon is doing it as a stand-alone company.

On April 9, Fort Worth-based Alcon announced its separation from Novartis to be an independent, publicly traded company.

“Alcon in Action is more than a one-day event, it’s a celebration of Alcon’s longstanding commitment to building stronger, healthier communities, and an opportunity to demonstrate who we are as a corporate citizen,” Alcon CEO David Endicott said. “Alcon in Action brings our associates together for a common cause and inspires us to take action in our communities today and every day.”

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