First United Methodist Church moving Sunday services online

First United Methodist Church of Fort Worth

First United Methodist Church of Fort Worth is suspending its Sunday morning worship services in favor of online worship through at least March 25, the church announced March 13.

“We did not make this decision lightly,” says Dr. Tim Bruster, Senior Pastor. “In fact, this is a particularly hard call to make because we are a church—and it feels wrong for our church not to meet in the middle of a crisis. But, after learning all that we have about this virus in the last 24 hours, it just makes sense, both for the protection of our congregation’s most vulnerable members and our responsibility to our local community.”

To access FUMCFW’s online worship services each Sunday morning, go to, and choose between Sanctuary worship, The Gathering contemporary worship, or eleven:eleven non-traditional worship. In addition, you can view all of these previous services at

Several other churches are making changes to services. Check with your local church for more information. 

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