Purple Land Management of Fort Worth and Esri have joined forces to create a data-management platform for the oil and gas industry.
The Overdrive platform sees the Fort Worth firm and Esri, a Redlands, Calif. based geographical information systems company, offer a map-based tool allowing clients to manage data more efficiently and access land data at any time on any device.
“Overdrive is built from the ground up from a landman’s perspective, with the operator’s end result as the goal line,” said Jesse Hejny, president of Purple Land Management, commenting in a news release.
“We wanted to create a new process to improve how data is managed, analyzed and interpreted. So we partnered with Esri to use advancements in technology offered by Esri’s ArcGIS platform to build a safer and more adaptable software for employees and clients,” said Hejny.
Among the product’s functions are customer relationship management applications, invoice management, and employee time and labor tracking. Future add-ons will include integration of accounting, engineering and geology functions; and iOS-Android mobile application.
More information is available at www.purplelandmgmt.com or www.esri.com.