35W construction prompts more closures this week

Fort Worth-area motorists can expect various closures at Meacham Boulevard and Interstate 35W beginning Tuesday.

Freeway construction continues to prompt road closures, with the latest affecting Meacham Boulevard from 9 p.m. Tuesday Sept. 15 through 5 a.m. Wednesday Sept. 16. Motorists can expect the following during that time: 

· All lanes of eastbound and westbound Meacham Boulevard at I-35W will be closed. Eastbound traffic will be redirected to Northside Drive and westbound traffic will be redirected to Mark IV Parkway.

· All lanes of the northbound I-35W frontage road from McMillan Parkway to Meacham Boulevard will be closed.

· The off-ramp from northbound I-35W to Meacham Boulevard will be closed. Traffic will be redirected to the next exit at Beach Street.

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Construction is part of the $1.4 billion North Tarrant Express 35W project, which includes a section ranked eighth among the state’s most congested roadways. The 35W project includes the reconstruction of main lanes and the addition of TEXpress managed lanes and will be complete in 2018.

Information on upcoming closures is available at www.northtarrantexpress.com. Detour maps are available at http://northtarrantexpress.com/AlternateRouteMapsNew.asp, with lane closure information posted at http://northtarrantexpress.com/LaneClosuresNew.asp

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