Bridge rehab plans await Fort Worth City Council vote


A. Lee Graham Reporter   Ten Fort Worth bridge locations could receive repair funding if the City Council approves a project contract.   The proposal is set for consideration at this week’s regular council meeting. Pre-council begins at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday Sept. 17, with the regular meeting starting at 10 a.m. at City Hall, 1000 Throckmorton St.   The council is expected to consider approving a $518,830 contract with Gibson and Associates Inc. for bridge repair and rehabilitation. If approved, several bridges would be improved, including the Bryant Irvin Road structure, both north and southbound, over the Trinity River; South Hulen Street, southbound, over a Trinity tributary; Sendera Ranch Boulevard over Henrietta Creek; and Great Southwest Parkway, east and westbound, over Little Fossil Creek.   Project funding was part of the current city budget’s general fund.


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