A. Lee Graham
When it comes to safe driving, Brownsville outpaces all other Texas towns, according to Allstate’s ninth annual America’s Best Driver’s Report.
The South Texas community ranked fourth – and Fort Worth 138th – on a list ranking the nation’s 200 largest cities based on car collision frequency. The report defined “largest cities” as those with more than 50,000 residents.
“Drivers in Brownsville are making great progress toward keeping America’s roadways safer,” said Rick Ortiz, an Allstate agency owner in Brownsville, commenting in a news release.
Twenty two other Texas cities m
ade the list, including Plano, Irving, Dallas, Arlington, Grand Prairie, Frisco, and Garland.
When it comes to Dallas-Fort Worth cities, Fort Worth earned the highest ranking at 138, with a 20.6 percent collision likelihood compared to the national average and 8.3 average years between collisions. That’s compared to Brownsville, with -21.1 percent collision likelihood compared to the national average and 12.7 average years between collisions.
Earning the top spot on the list was Fort Collins Colo., with a 28.2 percent less likelihood of collisions compared to the national average and 13.9 average years between collisions.
For the past nine years, Allstate actuaries have analyzed company claim data to determine the likelihood drivers in America’s 200 largest cities will experience a vehicle collision compared to the national average.
A weighted average of the two-year numbers determined the annual percentages. The report defines an auto crash as any collision resulting in a property damage claim. Allstate’s auto policies represent about 10 percent of all U.S. auto policies, making this report a realistic snapshot of what’s happening on America’s roadways.
The complete report may be viewed at www.allstatenewsroom.com.