Fort Worth riders can expect Trinity Railway Express service to and from this weekend’s faith-based MegaFest 2015 festival at Dallas’ American Airlines Center and Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. The schedule is as follows:
Wednesday Aug. 19: Regular weekday TRE schedule
Thursday Aug. 20 and Friday Aug. 21: Regular weekday TRE schedule and one westbound train 20 minutes after the last event at the AAC.
Saturday Aug. 22: Regular Saturday TRE schedule and one eastbound train to Victory Station in the morning and one westbound train 20 minutes after the conclusion of the 11:00 a.m. event at the AAC.
Sunday Aug. 23: Two eastbound trains and one westbound train 20 minutes after the conclusion of each Sunday event at the AAC. The trains will not serve Union Station.
Complete Trinity Railway Express schedules for MegaFest are available at